Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Maddness: Girl Scout Sunday Edition

Hello my lovelies!

As this weekend was the penumtimate weekend for cookie sales, and Girl Scout Sunday was yesterday, I am sure you understand if today's post is more about Scouts than anything else.  Sorry, my non-scouting fans, but it's my blog and I'll write what I want :)

Without further ado, here's this week's Monday Maddness: my random thoughts about my week/weekend, and all the things I've learned- the good, the bad, and the ugly.

If my cookie mom and I plan a booth, while watching the weather, and the day is predicted to be clear, the weather will still be horrible the day of the booth.  Especially if we check out the weather the DAY BEFORE.

If we have a booth on a Friday, and don't plan one for Saturday (due to a different event), the weather will be terrible on Friday, and beautiful on Saturday.  It's just the way it is.

Don't plan a cookie booth if you have to bake stuff for a bake sale the same day.  Something will fail.

Sick husbands are no fun.  When they are sick of being sick, they will find mess or clutter in the house (not really a hard job here, but still) and complain about it, until you stop what you are doing and fix the clutter.  True story.

Winning contests online is AWESOME!!  Stalking the tracking numbers will only lead to disappointment, until your package magically appears in the mailbox.

If you cookie booth in the cold, it can really go either way.  Good booth: people feel SORRY for you that you and your kids are stuck out in the cold.  Bad booth: it's so nasty out that no one wants to stand at the booth long enough to give you money for boxes.  

Spaghetti dinner fundraisers are awesome!  But, they are better if the people who are supposed to go with you actually show up.  

It's not actually that hard to find 19 people who would eat a carry-out spaghetti dinner plate without any real notice.  Sometimes cancellations (or no call no shows) can help make the difference to a family or two (or in our case, five!).

Girl Scout Sunday is the most fun you will ever have in church, without actively sinning.  No, seriously, the girls will get it all together and it will turn out to be the best day ever.

If your Scouts are going to be saying anything remotely sentimental at GS Sunday, make sure there are tissues in sanctuary.  

Just because you practice something several times, doesn't mean that it will work out the way you practice it on the event day.  Go with the flow- it might turn into something even better!

Scouts is always more fun with  more girls (and grown ups!!).  Invite a friend who has a Scout in another troop.  It will make the day even more special, and very meaningful to the other family.

Edible Arrangements are absolutely the BEST way to end a Scout Sunday event.  So pretty, clean, and everyone LOVES them.

Be extra thankful for the "fellowship coordinator" at your church- she does more work than you know (just like a Scout leader!).  THANK YOU MS. VIRGINIA!!!!

Be extra flexible- there will always be no shows, no matter what.  It's a fact of Scouting life.  Get used to it, and if you had to pay money for their spot, send them a bill.  No sense in wasting the girl's troop money!

Be kind, bold and courageous.  Be the person you want your kids to remember you as.  They won't remember you yelling and screaming, but they WILL remember how you worked to make a difference and make things better for them.

Well, folks, that's all I have for today!  My Ipsy bag and a contest prize arrived today, so look for those posts soon!  Until them, Stay Average, and smile!!

*I wanted to include a photo of Scout Sunday here, but in the interest of keeping the anonymity of my girls in tact, decided not to.  You're welcome, other parents :)


  1. Very nice Blog.. and I love my IPSY bag...

    1. Thank you, Amy :) Glad you enjoyed it, and I've just posted my March Ipsy review. Hope you like it too :)

  2. I went scout in my country for many years... and I love my ipsy bag too :)

    1. It is always great to meet other Scouts (and former Scouts). Welcome, and happy to hear that you love your Ipsy bag. The review is up now, enjoy! Thanks for stopping by!


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and visit! I read all the comments and try to reply to everyone. It's the least I could do- it's very...Average.